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Mepe Community Site

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Congratulations! You have successfully arrived at Mepe. We provide you with information about Mepe and invite you to join Mepe Development Association to bring development to the Mepe Traditional Area as a whole. (We have gone dark to save the environment)

Street in Mepe

A picture of Mepe showing the Mepe Area Rural Bank on the right in the foreground.

 Geographical Location

Mepe Traditional Area is located in the North Tongu District of Volta Region in the Republic of Ghana.  The main town bears the name of the Traditional Area.There are other settlemants in the traditional area like Degome, Nuwloe, Dadome. Fakpoe, Workpoe, Feda, Agortive, Avetakpo. Dzrowode, Vukpo, Adudong, Kedzikorfe, Abung etc.

Mepe is located on latitude 0.25 degrees East and longitude 6.05 degrees North.  The traditional area spans the Volta River, but Mepe town lies entirely on the Southern bank of the Volta River.  Mepe is situated about 100 km east of Accra. and is accessible by a bitumen road from Accra.


Historical Background

The people of Mepe migrated from Egypt to their present location.  They passed through the Nubian Empire of Ethiopia and Western Sudan.  The were in the group of Ewes (known as Gaviwo), Yorubas, Fons, and Gas who settled at Ille Ife in Nigeria.  They later moved from Notsie to their current location along the River Volta.  They are members of the Awazorli group who traced their lineage to the shrine keeper of the Ewe war deity Dzohor.  They separated from their brothers or kinsmen during a war Hodzo forest.

Divisions or Clans

There are five clans in Mepe; Dzagbaku (Dzai baku (leave one in Twi)), Adzigo (Dzoxornu), Sevie, Gbanvie and Akorvie. 

Dzagbakus trace their sojourn through Ille Ife to Notsie, Tema-Glime and finally to Mepe. 

The Adzigos trace theirs from Ketu in Benin through Notsie in Togo, Agoe Adzigo to Mepe.  They were joined by a small group from Asiakwa in Akim Abuakwa led by Togbe Dapaah to form the current clan.

The Sevie were part of the Ewe group which left Notsie but later settled at Tsevie before moving to Mepe.

The Gbanvie were also in the Ewe Group which left Notsie and later settled at Mepe.  They were later joined by a small Ga group from Sempe in Ga Mashie led by Nii Adotey Obuor.

The Akorvie (which is a corruption of Akwamu fie) were an Akwamu group which trekked from Mampong in Ashanti and settled at Nyanao Hills before moving to Adume (now Adomi). They later moved with canoe to settle at Mepe.  The population of the Mepe Traditional Area is estimated at 15 000.



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